Honest Fit Life is more than a podcast, it is a honest way of managing the struggles we all face with balancing being health and the high demands of daily life. Through our podcast we go through our struggles and what has worked for us to be healthier and live better lives.



I struggled with anxiety and gut issues for most of my adult life. I grew up in a holistic health household and have always believed in a more natural way to cure ailments and minor medical issues. Then about 3 and half years ago I had enough of constant panic attacks, headaches, gut issues and being unhappy with my body. I lost weight, got fit and boosted my gut health. I did it naturally with no programs, no doctors and now I’m in the best shape I have ever been.


You can connect with me at instagram.com/honestfitlife_mandy



I believe in holistic health and fitness. That wasn’t always the case, and like most of us, I wasn’t always too concerned with my health. A couple of years ago I started realizing that I’m not getting any younger and that I’m starting to feel more sluggish and foggy. That was the moment that I decided to take a good hard look at the type of foods I was eating and my health in general. From that point on, I made the commitment to start living healthy and take better care of my body. I have also added a workout routine into my schedule. I am now in better shape than I’ve been in for a very long time. This is only the beginning for me and I am excited to see where the journey of healthy living can really take me.


You can contact me at instagram.com/honestfitlife_david




I started working out at a young age, with not being the healthiest kid growing up and not having a family that eats the best. I started to research and eat healthier. I soon began to fall in love with fitness, I started to build my own routine with working out. With working out and eating healthier regularly. I started to see change in my body, but with not eating enough or consistently working out, I wasn't getting the results that I was looking for. So I started hitting the gym and eating healthier more consistently and being more disciplined I saw the results. After that point I was fully was committed into doing fitness and staying healthy. So I'm excited to see where I go and hope I can keep crushing my goals.

  • 2022 Road One Media  I  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

You can connect with me at instagram.com/honestfitlife_mandy



I believe in holistic health and fitness. That wasn’t always the case, and like most of us, I wasn’t always too concerned with my health. A couple of years ago I started realizing that I’m not getting any younger and that I’m starting to feel more sluggish and foggy. That was the moment that I decided to take a good hard look at the type of foods I was eating and my health in general. From that point on, I made the commitment to start living healthy and take better care of my body. I have also added a workout routine into my schedule. I am now in better shape than I’ve been in for a very long time. This is only the beginning for me and I am excited to see where the journey of healthy living can really take me.


You can contact me at instagram.com/honestfitlife_david